If you are a small business your budget will probably
not allow $2,000.00 to $5,000.00 to have a complete custom website
Now for only $19.95 per month we will become your personal webmaster.
Here is what you will receive:
• Custom simple website with your company's information on a domain
name owned by your company.
• Professional website design and maintenance. Includes 1/2 hour of
your personal webmaster's time each month. Additional time is
billed separately at $30/hour in 1/10th hour increments.
• We will host your website on an extremely fast internet
• We will make simple changes for your company website as your
company changes.
• We will provide a personal contact number to reach your personal
webmaster when you need help.
• In addition, we will provide all of the features listed further
down this page.
Contact us today and we will personally help you get your company
website up and running in a very short time. Our contact information
is on our "About Us" page.